Snapshot stories Short stories from different races. Just a glance what you can expect at races. Open pictures to read! 5 km of moorlandInto the jungles...Scenic placesCrossing river GaujaFear factorCrossing finish line...Fight in the castleWalk over the lakeSwimming nakedOn the roof...When mud is white...Camp in exchange zoneCan you do this?In the iron maze...Via FerrataFirst step is the hardest oneStairs are for touristsKings of the roadSea waves against breakwaterSwimming in the wavesOver and over...Till death will break us apart...Train to the forestNo need to paddle when engine powersIn deep underground21st century backpacks forbidden!Bodyrafting GaujaPedicure, please!A ghost townRolling...Perfect blendJust do it!River breathNight scenes at RivieraBiking the riverGood morning!Otter vs beaversTo Estonia!Across the lakeHot tea, please!Wild Cat-18 degreesHipsters of KraslavaCape Roca experienceFinish CPWhen it rains...